Quiz episode 6 (16/10/2018) - Answers

1. In which year was X Factor first broadcast? - 2004
2. How many players are on a cricket field during normal play? - 13 (11 on the fielding side and 2 batsmen)
3. What fruit comes from a rose? - Hip
4. The river Danube flows out in to which sea? - Black Sea
5. Which gas puts bubbles in to bottled fizzy drinks? Carbon dioxide
6. What gift was forthcoming on the tenth day of Christmas (according to the carol)? - Ten Lords a Leaping
7. The Harlem Globe Trotters are famous in which sport? - Basketball
8. Who is older Richard Branson or William Hague? - Richard Branson
9. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious comes from which Disney movie? - Mary Poppins
10. How many noughts are there in the written number ten million? - Seven
11. Which month of the year in Britain contains the longest day? - June
12. Copies of the Bible are left in hotel rooms by which religious organisation? - Gideons
13. Who wrote the play A winter's Tale? - Shakespeare
14. What do the initials M.B.E. (in honours) stand for? - Member (of the order) of the British Empire
15. What have you betrayed if you commit treason? - Country
16. Who was swallowed by a whale in the Bible? - Jonah
17. Gareth Bale left Tottenham Hotspur to join which club in 2013? - Real Madrid
18. Which musician had the nickname "Satchmo"? - Louis Armstrong
19. Who played Jamie Bell's teacher in the movie Billie Eliot? - Julie Walters
20. What is the children's version of backgammon called? - Ludo *
21. Which boy band came third in The X factor (2010)? - One Direction
22. Which scientific word deals with the structure of the body? - Anatomy
23. Debra Messing played which character in Will and Grace? - Grace
24. What does a chronometer measure? - Time
25. Chichester is the county town of which county? - West Sussex (1/2 point for Sussex)
26. Jerez in Spain is famous for which alcoholic drink? - Sherry
27. In crime what do the letters A.B.H. stand for? - Actual Bodily Harm
28. In a bull fight what name is given to the person who kills the bull? - Matador
29. Which is the lower house in British politics? - House of Commons
30. What is the German word for the number five? - Funf

* The person who gave Backpiglet as the answer to question 20 gets half a point for lateral thinking and humour, it might not be a game but should be