I have had a telephone consultation with Lambeth living well network which is ultimately the mental health team. I have asked for a diagnosis and they have said that they wouldn't be able to do that and couldn't point me in the right direction.....I asked for a form of social worker/support worker....basically someone to follow my health with me and help with it all....they didn't offer me anything. Ultimately they have offered me bereavement couselling as my mum died when I was young. They are not wrong that this needs tackling but I'm not convinced that on it's own is going to solve the problem....

The meds have been the same ones for the lat two years and I have been on the max does for 6 months. I have had different anti dpressants in the past.

I think seeing a psychiatrist would really help but they won't offer it to me.....

What is CMHT?

Thank you for all your responses. I'm having one of my better days today....