Quiz episode 5 - Answers

1. Which creature do French sports fans traditionally let loose before the start of a big match? - Cockerel
2. Which king unveiled the Victoria memorial (in London)? - George V
3. What is made by a testatator? - Will
4. Who telephoned Neil Armstrong during his first moon walk? - Richard Nixon
5. Which novelist had three novels adapted to films by Alfred Hitchcock? - Daphne du Maurier
6. Which wine growing region is divided in to Baja, Alta and Alavesa? - Rioja
7. What does fibrin cause to happen in blood? - Clot
8. What year did Buddy Holly die? - 1959
9. Which top selling singer song writer was born May 5, 1981, in Southampton? Craig David
10. Which director appeared in the movie "The Blues Brothers"? - Steven Spielberg
11. In which century was the Taj Mahal constructed? - 17th
12. A Bordelaise sauce is flavoured by which vegetable? - Shallot
13. Ben Nevis is in which mountain range? - Grampians
14. Where would you probably be looking at a Snellen chart? - Optician's
15. In bingo what are numbers ending in zero called? - Blind (eg. 2 0 blind twenty)
16. What do Sunderland and Benfica football clubs share? - Grounds called 'The Stadium of Light'
17. Who is the patron saint of Venice? - St Mark
18. What are Mycerinus and Cheprun the second two greatest of? - The Great Pyramids of Giza
19. What would you be eating if you ate a Spanish chorizo? - Sausage
20. Which scientist first discovered the composition of air? - Joseph Priestly
21. Which Celebrity Big Brother winner wrote "Living the Dream, My Story"? - Chantelle Houghton
22. Which letter and number represent the vitamin riboflavin? - B2
23. Derby, Pelham and Russell have all been what? - British Prime Ministers
24. Who was John the Baptist's father? - Zacharias
25. Alan Stubbs broke his two spells at Everton by playing for which football club? - Sunderland
26. Euston became Britain's first railway station to have what in 1848? - W H Smiths
27. In 1921 which political party burnt down Dublin's Custom House? - Sinn Fein
28. Which part of the body is protected by puttees? - Lower legs
29. Which river flows through six different European countries? - Danube
30. What is the main ingredient in an Indian raita? - Yoghurt