It's great that you know it's something you need to work on...

Day 5: Notice what you are feeling today without any judgement.

This is something we've been talking about in my MBSR course... Today I'm feeling:
~ Sad - I've just taken the last back to school photo that my children will be in together as (all being well) B goes off to Uni next year.
~ Nervous - I'm really worried about the whole back to school thing, hoping that it's a good day for all 3 of them.
~ Apprehensive/scared - Electrical testing on my wrists today
~ Angry - family issues

Each one of those is a valid emotion for now and so it's all "OK". I'm not trying to turn away from each of them - I am in fact turning towards those feelings and actually letting each one of them settle... It's really hard not to judge about them...

Anyone else want to share?