It's lovely to welcome you to DWD. No matter what you are going through, there is a better way. I've just had my last crisis from Christmas till Easter and it was hell. Yes, I wanted to die, I couldn't see a way out. To top it all, my psychiatrist changed my antidepressants in the middle of it! But, and yes it's a big but, believe it or not, I came through it and I think you can too.
Coming off one med and changing to another can and does take up to 8 weeks. It seems like a lifetime, when you are going through it, but it is worth it.
You are doing all the right things, staying in contact with your mental health team is a very important step. Well done on contacting them today. They will probably be in contact again over the rest of the weekend, just to make sure that you are okay. They aren't being nosey, they are just making sure you are doing okay. Can you see your psychiatrist again soon? If you can't face telling them how you are really few, show them your post. They shouldn't be surprised. People have been doing it for ages.
Please stick with it. It does get better. I've been through it and come out the other side quite a few times now.