Feeling a bit blah today and really don't know why. There is no reason in the world for it.
Everyone is just irritating me and if I bite my tongue any harder I'll never be able to speak again.
Yet I know it's me. They are not being any more annoying than usual, my tolerance and patience are low.
I even started on A because 'All he ever does is look at his phone or sleep' .
I may need to go out to the garage and visit the punch bag, yet I don't feel angry just prickly.
I started knitting a jumper on Thursday, I've had to restart it for the fifth time now because of mistakes.... It's an easy pattern but not easy to rip back and pick up stitches so each time I've taken it right back to the band.

Grrrrr... darned mental health!!
Husband and 3 kids free to good home.... any home.....or cardboard box considered.