Hi Paula , I quit my last job in June , which is a common occurrence for me . My wife is a teacher so I am fortunate that we can get by financially until I get another job . I have had a lot of jobs over the years , and always seem to bounce back . Although when I am in this frame of mind I can’t see me getting better .
My wife is very understanding and my teenage son and daughter are understanding also . I am relaxing as much as I can at the moment and have been out for days out walking in nice relaxing places .
Today I am staying indoors with the curtains closed as I feel more comfortable like that . I seem to feel slightly better later in the evening. Less anxious .
I just want to curl up in a dark room until I hopefully feel better.
This seems to happen every summer to varying degrees . This year seems particularly harsh maybe because of the increase of sertraline ? In hindsight I should have increased slower and probably not in the middle of a depression episode ?