Had a chat with the Dr about how i was feeling on Monday. I told him about my moods being up & down,mainly down at night when i've got too much time to think, and im still having a lot of thoughts about maybe it would be better and easier if i wasn't here.He suggested maybe upping the meds but the main problem im having with duloxetine 60mg was it was causing me to sweat from just walking my dog and im dreading the summer when it actually gets warm!!. I'm staying on 60mg at the moment and will see how i feel next visit.

I've got a meeting with Work next week which has already set my anxiety off panicking about what will happen feeling sick etc.Last time they offered to give me reduced hours etc but i hadn't started the counselling and wanted to try that before going back to work.To be honest the counselling has given me the option to talk to somebody which i needed,but i'm still waiting for the magical answers for how do i make myself feel happier?.

Truth is its easier for me to hide away at home then having to deal with people at work,I still don't know how to deal with the situation when people ask where i've been, whats been wrong etc