Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
How are you this morning.

I think your GF has a point. If this is the third appointment that was cancelled then maybe it might be worth seeing another dr who could try something different. It worked with my husband. Our new GP was brilliant. Sent him to a different CMHT, changed meds and in turn literally saved him and changed our lives completely.
Had a little sleep still struggled I can't fall sleep anymore without background noise as it stops me thinking and worrying if I'm concentrating on something else,so I usually end up falling sleep on the sofa. Not really doing much today my partners off today she's tried to speak to me a few times but I'm not interested and haven't really responded.

It's been the 3rd time not in a row but still annoying once I was parking my car when they called to say he'd gone sick.

I was seeing a Dr but he sent me to this guy as he deals with mental health etc I'm still taking my meds but the anxiety isn't easing atm and I think it's only going to build. I'm already taking 30mg of buspirone a day.