Stella's right. It's very much about feeling the anxiety and riding it out. My husband had a brilliant psychotherapist who made him talk through his panic attacks..She made him describe how he was feeling then she said "and" so he described what happened next "and" all the way up 'till he passed out and an ambulance was called (has happened several times). Her last "and" confused him so she said "and? Well, it didn't kill you did it?" Which was very matter of fact and very much like his brain works. For him, we still hear "and" when things get tough lol.. As she explained it won't last forever and him passing out was like a restart of all the systems. It may not help you, but "and" has helped him go from someone who had to take a fairly high amount of diazepam to get outside the door and we had to have exit strategies in place for anything we did to someone who over lockdown has managed to go shopping on his own completely....