Quiz episode 2 - 07/07/2018 - Answers

1. Which actor Johnny was in Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissorhands and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? - Depp
2. Which of Australia, UK and USA does not have a large city called Birmingham? - Australia
3. The Sears Tower became the tallest skyscraper in which country? - USA
4. What word means ghosts and also strong drinks? - Spirits
5. In which county is Ipswich the scene of grisley murders at the end of 2016? - Suffolk
6. The Stereophonics come from which part of the UK? - Wales
7. Which shape name is the area in which Nelson's Column stands? - Square
8. The Great Lakes border which two countries. - USA, Canada
9. How many people play a game of chess? - 2
10. Which part of the body can go before the words ache and muff? - Ear
11. Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith are connected with which sport? - American football
12. In rugby league are Bradford the Bears, the Braves or the Bulls? - Bulls
13. Mahatma Ghandi was from which country? - India
14. Which saint founded the Franciscan order of monks? - St Francis
15. How many letters are in the English alphabet between E & T? - 14
16. What kind of Day do Scouts and Guides call the anniversary of their founder's birth? - Thinking Day
17. Which instrument did Galileo invent to study the stars? - Telescope
18. What was Al Capone's nickname? - Scarface
19. What name is given to a world map in spherical form? - Globe
20. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in what type of building? - Abbey
21. What type of lines on a map run north to south? - Lines of longitude
22. What does a coracle travel on? - Water
23. William Hoover first marketed which household appliance? - Vacuum cleaner
24. In which decade did the Mini car first appear on British roads? - 1950's
25. In the 1990's Macaulay Culkin sacked his dad from which job? - His manager
26. Invented as the xerox machine what is this device usually known as today? - Photocopier
27. French Queen Marie Antoinette famously said "Let them eat" what? - Cake
28. What type of voice does operatic singer Andrea Bocelli have? - Tenor
29. Which language was spoken by the ancient Romans? - Latin
30. Irving Berlin was famous for writing what? - Songs/musicals