I had the house to myself for most of the day and I decided it was going to be a ‘me day’. I’ve been watching the cricket and Tour de France while reading the news and twitter. I’ve eaten when I wanted and what I wanted and my appetite was the better for it.

One of the articles I read was https://themighty.com/2017/06/depres...-wasting-time/ and it struck a chord with me - at times I do feel guilty about being depressed. Luckily I find getting out of bed and distracting myself helps me stop thinking negatively but I can sympathise with the thought ‘Nobody should be made to feel bad about having a mental illness, but I bring this guilt upon myself’. I guess knowing the enemy is a major part of fighting the everyday battle and eventually the war.

I have found out a great deal about myself in the past few weeks. It’s not all good but it’s not all bad either, I t’s work in progress.