Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
Doesn't sound silly at all!

How are you today?
Sorry, its taken me a while to reply back. This month decided to unload a whole lot of crap on me.

After finding out at such short notice I had to apply for ESA, Housing Benefit decided to re-evaluate my claim and say I didn't qualify. I don't know where they got their figures from but they were estimating my income as much higher than it is (given I'm only on benefits.) I've managed to get that all sorted now but there was a period of about a week and a half where I was stressing every day over money and how I was going to cover my bills.

I still need to decide what I'm going to do about work. In short, due to amount of time I've been off, it is highly likely I will lose my job if I do not return at the start of August. While I don't like the job any more and feel it has play a part in my illness, I also don't like the idea of having 2 dismissals back to back on my CV. It feels like I'd be throwing the last 3 years down the drain. Yet if I rush back to work, I could make myself worse and since it would only be a part time wage, I'd struggle to cope moneywise. (I'm still waiting to hear if I will be awarded anything for PIP)

Sometimes I think sure I could go back in August part time and others I'm like "are you insane? the littlest thing makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry your eyes out." My counsellor thinks the reason I'm having a hard time with this is because whatever I do, it's not really 100% my decision and I've been back into a corner by this deadline. I have a little time so I'm hoping my decision for PIP will come earlier than expected so I know what's going on with that before I make a final decision.