Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
I too take Mirtz and have similar issues - I've found keeping healthy options essential or I'd just munch my way through anything carb based.....
I need to start doing the same because my weight has ballooned since I began taking Mirtz. Almost nothing in my wardrobe fits me. I'm coping by wearing some new PJs I got when at home. There are so comfy and great with the warm weather we've been having. So far, the only effect my increased dose is having is I'm sleeping a good 12 hours a night. I've had a few nightmares but nothing I couldn't cope with.

Work reasonably understood everything when I went in to see my manager, but I have to make a decision soon as to what I'm going to do about my job. I have been off long enough for them to start formal proceedings and if I don't return within the next two months, then my contract could be terminated. I don't like my job, but it's a decent wage. It's enough to cover my bills and give me a little to live on. However, I get no enjoyment from it, and my attempts to move roles have been met with a barrage of nos over the past two years.

When I met with that woman, she asked me questions about what I wanted to do about my job and what kind of job I wanted, and all I could respond with is "I don't know." Then she changed tack and asked what could I do with my degree. Despite explaining my degree is now ten years old, my knowledge was rusty, and my interests had changed, she kept pushing and suggested I look to be a teacher - the last job that I would ever want to do. Hopefully, my new counsellor and I can discuss this and work something out. While I've been typing, I received a call from a counsellor whose been assigned my case, and I will be meeting her tomorrow.