He has not been diagnosed no - partly because of the country he lives in. It is very much an underdeveloped country where even counselling is hard to come by. And where the status of man is very different to say Europe, the UK or the US. Where men simply aren't supposed to say they are 'weak' in any way. When he opens up to me he says he feels terrible, can hardly move, has terrible headaches. He can see he feels bad. He will ask me how I am and he is happy if I say I am good. But the times I have said not so much he can get upset and say no, not both of us. He half realises that he has a big issue. He has told me since his father and grandmother died 2 years ago this week, he has felt empty. His best friend then also died 6 months after that. So I can see he has been through a fair bit. When he is high he is super happy. Showers me with love and sends me love songs etc. i can see he panics if he thinks I am going to go. Will really confide in me in many personal things But then suddenly out of nowhere he will completely shut off. One day to another.
Being so far away yes, it can be difficult to know the full story. Just difficult when one minute he is so keen for us to meet soon, and then no responses at all when I am so far away. I guess I can only really know when we meet again in July.