Thank you all for your replies and kind words.i mentioned to him before about me seeing gp as I think I need antidepressants too and he said there’s no way I am going on them too, he said him being on them is enough. It just doesn’t seem to sink in with him what an effect he has on others especially the children. My daughter has just gone upstairs in tears because he is in one of his moods and she thinks it’s something she’s done wrong. I can’t cope with him upsetting the children anymore when they have done nothing. My heart breaks for them as they have missed out on so much because of our circumstances and I wish I could do more for them. Constantly feel stuck between a rock and hard place. I can’t say anything to him as that sends him deeper into himself. I know none of this is his fault it’s the illness, I just don’t know what to do or say and I have had enough of constantly walking on eggshells and panicking in case the children make a comment that is normal to everyone else but sets him off.
Sorry to keep moaning.