Thanks Magie and Suzi.. Taking day by day..

The evening had been better than most.. He went to the GP who changed his antidepressants back down from 40mg Citalopram to 20mg Citalopram which he will be taking for 2 weeks before they change him on to another antidepressant.. The therapy is being chased up which is good and he asked the doctor the questions I asked him to ask however that wasn't much help as the doctor didn't know anything about what I asked..

He's been put on a much stronger sleeping tablet that is highly addictive so we will need to keep an eye on that and make sure he doesn't become dependant on it..

When he came home from the doctors he seemed okay.. Didn't seem like he was in a particularly "bad" or "low" mood.. We both rushed straight out as I went to get his prescription before the pharmacy closed (I made it with 1 minute to spare which was super lucky) and he went for his Cranosacrial Therapy appointment...

When he came back he was similarly not in a "bad" or "low" mood which was good.. We talked like friends and reminisced about things so that's positive..

He is a bit tired but he's not tired and moody which is good..

I am assuming that the change in dosage is going to trigger another series of mood swings and possible lows so I am mentally preparing myself for that..

My nanna (who stays with us sometimes) said that yesterday and today were his best days as he seems quite comfortable and "normal" .. Though that's probably a brave face it's still nice to see..