I guess.. I will think about it.. Just want the man I fell in love with back.. Or even just to feel like he still loves me and wants us to be together.. I hate it when he's snappy and angry with me.. He says it's because of the depression but sometimes it's hard to always be the person that gets the stick of it..

I am trying very hard to be helpful and understanding.. Doing things like his tax assessment because he keeps forgetting and it's stressing him out.. But then he gets angry because I forgot to wash one thing for him but washed everything else.. His go to is anger and it's always at the slightest thing and doesn't seem to matter how much I do right the slightest thing is wrong and causes him to get angry.. It seems so easy for him to say something that gets on his nerves or to get ed off abp ut something but he can't say anything nice full stop..

Every now and again I offer him a cuddle and he takes it but then it's like he can't wait to stop cuddling me.. I don't want to lose him but every day I seem to just keep ing him off and he just seems so angry and fed up it's hard to not take it personally..