Last night was very strange... Before we went to sleep he was saying how he felt like he was coming down with something and wasn't feeling too well.. So I gave him some paracetamol..

Just before we went to bed he started to complain about a tight and heavy chest and painful when he takes a deep breath... Not too long after going to sleep he started to have a very vivid and bad sounding dream.. Eventually he woke up in a panic and state of fear saying "oh no not again" ..

Apparently he had a bad dream that he used to have very many years ago (5+ years ago) about being in a "war zone" if you like (he described it as something out of independence day the film) where all of his best friends and some family members can be seen harmed and unresponsive... This time however he only saw a small number of people and they were his 3 best friends.. He also describes having someone with him in the dream saying that they're there and they're helping him but he doesn't know who it is as the voice doesn't sound real..

We laid there together for a while as he explained this dream to me and explained how it made him feel.. I suggested that perhaps he start keeping a mood diary to see if there was a pattern to how he feels in the day and when he gets these dreams so that he can show the therapist.. He said that was a good idea and agreed to do it... He said thast he had felt particularly irritated yesterday and wanted to start a fight with someone.. When he got home however he didn't want tok to that anymore which was good...

After some time we begun talking about other generic things.. I gave him a cuddle and we held each other for a bit.. He smelt my hair then kissed my forehead...

I started to stroke his back (it was always something he liked and that relaxed him) and he asked me to carry on as he fell asleep...

This morning as we were both getting up for work I sat up and laid back down with my hand next to him and he moved his leg on top of my hand so I held his leg before getting up to work...

It was wonderful to feel so close to him again........