How do I stop the feelings that I am making him frustrated..?

Today he seemed okay-ish until later on in the evening.. I went to go and give him a cuddle and as I was about to he just went "oh please don't" and I asked what and he said he thought I was going to attack him (play fight, something we haven't done in month ... It left me feeling really turned away so I just left to walk our dog...

When I came back he seemed fine again and then he started to get a bad belly so it was back to being frustrated.. I was asking if there's anything I can do or get him only to be met with a frustrated sounding "no" .. Then when we were laying in bed he told me how he's fed up with this side effects of his tummy and I asked him if he wanted a cuddle and he said yes but I noticed him moving so I asked if he wanted me to move and he replied again with a frustrated no..!

I said to him that I was sorry if I was frustrating him but didn't even get an acknowledgement back ...

I hate feeling like I have to ask for a cuddle (because he would never give me one) and I hate giving him a cuddle feeling like he just doesn't want me to...

Should I pull back and just leave all physical intimacy alone..??