Can i start by saying its not your fault your boyfriend has depression!! Its a mental illness and yes they can blame you for how they are feeling and make you feel like if you change the way you are or the things you do or act then it will somehow make them better. NOT TRUE!! My husband when hes feeling low and in a bad place blames me for everything. He wouldnt be moody if the kitchen was cleaner or he could find his socks!! Believe me ive heard it all he will even go back 15 years and think of a row we had and say if you hadnt done that or said that hed be ok. Again NOT TRUE!! He is struggling with a mental illness and unfortunately all you can do is be there to love and support them. It can be very hard when they are being mean for sure but if you have a strong enough relationship you can get through anything. If he needs a little space then give it to him but just let him know you are there for him when he needs you. But please know nothing you did caused his depression its not your fault and its something he will have to learn to live with and seek help for if he wants to get any better.