ooo I remember another one.

when I was at school, we had a day where the emergency services came to school to show the kids their work- and all that they did

as part of what was going on, they were teaching some of them CPR (you know, what you do if someone collapses)

and me.. well I'm like I'll be good at this- steph will nail it

so I went to learn CPR- and what they had is they had a paramedic person pretended to be the injured patient (none of these dummies or anything, they were really hands on with it)

well, I ended up totally doing the wrong thing, causing the paramedic to have a nose bleed

and when he assked, why am I bleeding?

I'm like uh...... I may have just knocked your face in to the ground

fortunately I can do CPR now, since that insodent I've revived 2 people