My boss and I have both just got promotions so we wont be working together any more, so some of the emotional bond will get cut. A part of me still finds it so hard to detach from him though. It's not that I even want to be with him, I was never trying to steal him, it wasn't like that. It was just so nice to have someone care so much about me, to feel like I could be myself around someone and just be accepted. I just feel so alone sometimes and desperately wish I could just have our friendship back the way it was.
So that's me and my big old mess. I feel like I've lost literally years of growing and developing as a person becuase I was shut down for so long. Home life is a strain sometimes, as I say I know I should probably just get out on my own but I struggle to manage my finances or even look after myself so being able to get my own place seems mind boggling at this point and i have no were else to go...
Im sorry this is so long!! If anyone's got to the end well I'm sorry you were subjected to my ramblings!