Its not just a list of what needs to be done but a worry list of what I should not have done. So first what needs to be done.
Write talk
Post probate
Call crematorium
Clean kitchen
Vacuum house
Finish pots I am making
Make more cows
Get cows onto etsy
Finish totem
Finish driftwood pieces
Call gallery to arrange delivery
Deliver totem and driftwood pieces
Set pricing for pieces for gallery
Do shopping
Go through the accounts and sort them out
Now for worry stuff
Been spending a bit recklessly on clothes and books
Just been fined by the NHS for a mistake I made. Now worried that it is the tip of the iceberg and the fines will run to £1000's
Worried about the talk
Worried that I have done the wrong thing with the clothes I bought as I discovered this morning holes developing in the blouses I bought from there a month ago and these new ones are the same material.
Worrying about how I am going to fix them
Worried about the garden and the amount of work that is going to be needed to get it straight for the summer and the charity garden party we are having in June.
Worried about my health
Will that do for now? Well you did ask!!!!