Thanks Suzi, the message I had drafted up was kinda heartfelt but maybe needs a little tweaking to say exactly what I want/feel. I'm struggling this time around because I am always so patient I feel guilty for even saying anything but I was just upset and disappointed that's why I had said I think it is all a little silly. Only a few weeks back he was saying how much he loved my patience and for the first time ever had mentioned something in passing to someone about us living together. I know in the past his relationships haven't lasted long (few months) and when he is having bad days when he actually talks to me he says how not everyone would put up with him. My response is always just a jokey 'it's a good job I love you then' but he doesn't talk enough. Feelings are hard for him. I don't think he realises how much I understand him.

Question is do I give him a few days, as I feel it will all fall on deaf ears at the minute?

It's nice to have people who understand listening, friends don't understand and wonder why I haven't ended things before now.