Thanks for your reply Paula and apologies for submitting 3 (I wasn't sure if it was working until I asked someone in another thread and they said its when you can get to them!). The last message he sent said sorry but its what he needs, I had tried to ask what he meant in the one prior to that and he didn't really clarify. I had drafted up a heartfelt message but am conscious he has asked for space and do not want to send it to him......what is best to do, wait a few days? I think it is something we can work through. It seems to be the exact same time as last year. We had been away with the same friends then and he had gotten really grumpy when we got home. So I'm not sure if things are just getting on top of him at the moment and instead of riding it out he is pushing me I am the easy option because I am so patient. The last time this happened he came around to talk through with me and it was good but this time he wont even answer the phone and talk to me properly.