Thanks, yeah I know I need to send her a text as she probably won’t take my call and will block me.

Even if that is for a few days I know I won’t like and might say something I will later regret.

I also forgot to mention that she had one of my credit cards for use in emergencies food/house hold stuff etc And has used it, I have know issue with this but she could have said thank you or something so might bring that up as well as it is a little unfair on me for her to do that I told her she could use it tho but hoped she would at least say thank you

Suzi I’m asumeinf you husband is the one with depression and you are coming from my point of view?

Would like to get the opinion from someone of the other side I know from m reading other posts and articles that when you have bad moments that doing the smallest of tasks can be hard getting out of bed/going out etc i know that everyone is different but does having someone their help you or make you feel guilty/even worst I know that it’s only been a few weeks since she last spoke to me but the hardest thing right now is the not knowing she she’s at right now when I have sent her a message she just seems to ignore it, I would prefer her to be honest and tell me that she needs her space or what it’s the not knowing that Is hard for me I know that might come off as a little selfish on my part