My wife - She is a superstar, the most determined, thoughtful and hardworking mum I could hope for. Yet we sit in silence of an evening until it is time to go to bed, wake up, and it all starts again. Where did it go so wrong? Why can't I tell her how I feel? Why can't it be liked it used to? I blame myself, for being selfish, for being lazy, for taking her for granted and not helping around the house (unless she asks me to) Why do I expect her to stick around when I am like I am.
I delt with this myself, sadly i did tell him how i felt, it didn't help in my favor. i hope better for you and your wife. All you can do is be honest right, maybe telling her exactly what you wrote and how you feel, it will be easier for you 2 to communicate. Im not the best advice giver, but i totally understand your feelings