Hi and welcome, Nick. Right. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to answer all your questions just now but I’ll come back later, if I may, and I’m sure other members will help out

You sound just like my husband was this time 3 years ago. A job he’d loved, and had for 13 years, he’d lost all motivation for. He didnt know where to go next in his career and, tbh, didn’t want to even think about what to do, he had major stresses at home (my poor health, 2 teenage girls doing exams and losing his dad) and he was stuck. He has been able to climb out of that hole, I’m not going to say how because we do it all differently, but I want you to know that it can be done.

Can I ask if you have to return to work immediately? If not, can you take a mini sabbatical? Have you asked your wife what she wants and how she feels about all this? You say she’ll leave you but has she actually told you that? It may be that it’s more important that you focus for a little while on getting well. On that note, when did you last see your GP?

Do you tell your wife how much she means to you and how wonderful she is? Oh, and wrt your son, no one can spend all day with a toddler without getting bored - that’s not just you, I promise