Thanks Jamie. I did have some dealings last year, but had real difficulty arranging suitable appointments. I will try them again as I am feeling pretty lousy at the moment. I think my wife has just had enough of my flipping between short tempered and then a jibbering wreck. Nearly impossible to understand unless you have been there. I too am quite good at masking my illness from work, but it is now starting to be very difficult. I am much better in company so do try to get to the office rather than work from home. Problem was on Thursday it took all my will power to not drive past the office and hide in a wood or somwhere else.
I have anticipatory anxiety that nearly cripples me and even though I get constant proof that it never ever is as bad as expected, every meeting invite makes me feel dreadful. I need to get my medication looked at again but in 25 years, I have never been on anything that workes for any length of time.