I wish I could edit posts. (Let me know if I actually can and am just being silly) I don't share my feeling easily. Particularly in person. I find it incredibly difficult to get the words out as through the link between my head and mouth is broken. I know that I should try and get a new prescription to see if it helps me more. It's just my last appointments to check in on my medication were over the phone (this is where my untruthfulness comes at its strongest) so I kept saying oh yeah it's fine, works great. I don't know why I said it. I know it's stupid and know I'm afraid to say to them oh yeah I was lying and am actually in a crippling depression googling the easiest ways to die. I actually went hunting for a deadly mushroom once cos it was meant to provide a painless death... I know I'm being defensive. I just can't help it. I don't share my emotions. I find incredibly difficult and just doing this is a big step for me when I know for others it's a trivial matter. Either way how do you tell the truth to your doctor? How do I remove the block in my head? Anyone else experienced something similar?