Hey Suzi,

Thank you so much for the kind reply and for reading my post.

The thing is that her behavior is a repeated theme over a long period of time, even when I was working. I've written to her and asked her politely to refrain from intentionally hurting me as it's devastating to my self esteem and MH to the point of suicidal thoughts. I actually think she may have an undiagnosed personality disorder.

When I drew a red line last year and didn't see her for 9 months my self esteem improved. She promised not to be nasty again but has done many times. I think she picks on me as she's not happy and projecting thinking I'll be a punchbag. She's a bully and I consider it emotional abuse. Family are supposed to support and love each other not intentionally damage health. That's bwhy its hurtful so much. I have clinical depression and do not need someone to make me feel worthless. I've been suicidal today

I cannot see an option other than cutting her off.