Quote Originally Posted by Ovalbug View Post
And here's the crazy thing.... I work in sales and present complex corporate solutions at board level. When I'm the expert in the room, when I know my stuff, when I'm adding value and made to feel welcome, I can stand up and deliver a speech and actually enjoy doing it - I get a kick out of it, the adrenaline - I feel I'm being really brave, standing up to my fears, overcoming them and doing so successfully....

...yet the concept of answering the door to a small group of 8 year old 'trick or treaters' terrifies me. I'd hate a surprise party being organised for me (not that I know enough people). I'm always scanning for threats, looking for escape routes and scared of embarrassing myself or saying the wrong thing. One on one with peers or colleagues, I'm fine, but a party, social gathering or similar, I' a total wreck.

The concept of fame, recognition, being the centre of attention etc holds no fear and I guess would be attractive, yet I can't walk into a car showroom and look at a car for fear of being approached by a sales person!

Extrovert? Introvert? Or PTSD?
Hi --- i'm EXACTLY the same .... i present technical presentations for conferences and have to discuss analysis to C-level's in large multi-nationals and that's all fine....
But yeah ... put me in a group of unknowns in a party or some 'social' or similar and i'm no-where....

I am a completely different person at work vs anywhere else ..... i'm on a training course and i've been fine with them all week but tomorrow we're meant to go out for a 'group meal' and i'm absolutely dreading it ..... i just don't wanna go .... it is very very strange and i've not understood it yet.... not sure i will....

Hope you find answers