Quote Originally Posted by Paula View Post
I’m on amitryptaline and have take clomipromine in the past (which I was put on when in a psych hospital). Ami works differently from other ADs and is not usually the first one that’s tried and clomipramine is a 1950s drug that is very rarely used. What I’m trying to say is that I dont think you have been abandoned at all, and they’re thinking out of the box as far as meds go - so maybe that’s the case with other treatments itms?
Thanks - the list of side effects in the common or very common list makes grim reading, with sexual dysfunction near the top of the list in most cases.

I'm shocked that the ball has been left in my court. I'm almost coping at the moment, but being told to go and consider my options and click on a website for CBT self referral and chose from a menu of drugs is more than I can cope with. I feel lost and scared. Maybe I put too much of a brave face on it today and they thought I'm okay - despite me stating I'm not and need help.

It's like I've just been dismissed back to my GP and it's up to me to sort myself out. I'm more often than not incapable of sorting myself out, let along conjuring up the courage and fight to go and see a Doctor.

"So what pills have you decided to try next....?"