Hi Jamie, thank you for posting!
It's reassuring to hear that i'm not the only one struggling with my degree, I just feel like i've already had 3 years of this I shouldn't be struggling at this stage

I have considered dropping out...a lot...but i'm just so near the end and I cant bare the thought of letting everyone know I couldn't handle it. Deferring would be an option definitely, I worry though as I have a real support network here of friends and flatmates that actually do have a big impact on my happiness and I honestly couldn't see myself spending another year here without them after they all move on in June. I know thats silly coz uni isn't just about the social side but I've become such a shy person now I don't think I could make new friends and the thought of loneliness here scares me!

Your post has helped a lot, I really do need to do something about this before i'm drowning in failed coursework. I'm very near the limit of what I can take now I do think its only a matter of weeks before I break so I'm going to make an appointment this afternoon probably for next week