Thank you Suzi and Paula,

About three times now I have written essays in response to your replies but have posted them in my carer's notes instead. I don't need to go into such detail with you guys but you are a good catalyst for me to formulate and articulate everything that has been going on for me.

I read over my previous posts and I am pleased to be able to report that it does look like my pdoc was most likely right - that the Topomax dose being too high was creating the psychosis and the blackouts. (I never knew meds could create that stuff. I seriously thought I had developed a psychotic illness. My pdoc assured me it was really unusual to develop this late in life). So all that has disappeared (so far) since I've lowered my dose and I'm heaps clearer cognitively too. My frozen shoulder is much better since I've started taking anti-inflammatories now that we know what it is, and I've only got a couple more weeks to wait until I can get the steroid injection that should make it even better.

Yeah, there is heaps of drama going on, but I like this to be my happy place. I get a lot out of you guys responding to me. I know you can't forever. But I'll enjoy it for the moment

Suzi, the counsellor was a s-prevention counsellor as part of a program that provide a set of 6 one hour phone appointments. Apparently they have the discretion to extend it to seven sessions in extenuating circumstances and she offered that to me. (We also spaced them out to fortnightly appointments to make the period of care last longer). It was highly effective and that is why it was so important that I provided that feedback. I think we always need to provide feedback for effective services that receive government funding to help them retain that funding - even if it is for our own benefit . It helps them prove they get outcomes... to show the government that the money is well spent. I can only use the program once but it was well worth it.