Hi and welcome. I’ve added a trigger warning to your thread. It’s nothing to worry about but just ensures other members who may find this discussion triggering are warned.

Thank you for posting. It’s just as important that friends and family ask for support as it is for the sufferer. Has she seen her doctor at all and, if so, what treatment is she getting? There’s only so much you can do if she won’t get help herself but her friends and family talking to her, encouraging her, being there for her are all vital to her recovery. There’s an organisation (https://www.time-to-change.org.uk) which highlights conversations it’s important to have and how to start those conversations. Hopefully this’ll help you.

Not everyone would agree with this but, if she’s suicidal, I think you should tell her parents. She’s needs protecting from herself and it’s not something you can do if you have a long distance relationship. If you don’t say something, you all may very well regret it.