Well, hello all! Am back from my very lovely weekend with my gorgeous hubby! We rested, chatted, ate, drank (a bit, I’m such a lightweight nowadays lol) and just generally had a chilled weekend. The kids didn’t burn the house down in our absence either

Jess has her op today and will be going down to theatre any time soon. Thankfully, we rang the hospital Friday about her missing voice and they were ok with the op going ahead as long as she didnt have a temperature. Which she doesn’t. So I’m at home, waiting on tenterhooks. Si and Jess just rang me - she’s on the kids ward and, though 16, is still very tiny. So she was asked to do some colouring in of a Christmas bauble. I was crying with laughter! Especially as she actually did it!

We’ve had a bit of snow here but, as we’re on a hill and often are a couple of degrees colder than the rest of the town, less than 5 minutes away there’s no snow apparently!