Amaya, while I was sick it was recommended to me to have the treatment. I had a course of 6 sessions which left my memory in pieces.
It may not be the horror treatment it once was, but it is still a horrendous experience to go through. It didn't help my depression one little bit, and like I said it messed up my memory of that time.
It was offered as a last resort to me at that time, and I actually think that I was unfairly pushed into having that treatment. It is put forward as a modern response to severe depression, when it is still a victorian method of 'curing' depression.
Before each session, if I can remember correctly, you are given a consent form to sign and brought from your room to the bathroom. From there you are brought to the ECT suite in the hospital where you are given a mild sedation first before being put under an anesthetic. Completely under two probes are placed either side of your forehead and an electric current is passed from a machine into your brain.
It's a cruel treatment and I'm not sure the consent form would stand up in a court of law, as you are considered too ill to vote or to drive or anything normal like that. How you can consent to having a treatment like this is worrying me, but now I feel it's too long in my past to be able to do anything about it.