Magie, that is really harsh. I also had memory loss from taking amytriptaline and it made my depression worse. Not a nice symptom at all. I am always curious when people consent to ECT.. I know it is not the horror treatment it used to be, but it is still a scary idea for most people. Why did you choose to have it? Did it have any benefits for you?

Ratherblue, I hope that you can enjoy those things again in the future. Maybe the effect from the meds won't always be like that

My most bothering symptom recently was that I had blocked tubes leading to my ears which gave a lot of weird noises. When I had a serious meltdown just before having to go into the hospital about three months ago these sounds turned into the sound of an ambulance. For weeks I could always hear sirens in my ears. Like a permanent reminder that I was ill and needed to be in a hospital. Eventually it became intermittent and then slowly stopped. But that was freaky. Sometimes it was very loud and disoreintating. The best explanation anyone could give me was that my ears were making noise for a physical reason (so luckily no hallucination) but my brain was interpreting it as an ambulance siren because I felt like I was in an emergency. My anxiety had me on breaking point for weeks so that explanation works for me. I hope that sound never comes back though.. I am using a nose spray to unblock my ears. It really made me feel like I was going mad in the hospital. Even when it went away certain noises would make it come back for an hour or two. Like the fans in the toilets that make a circular kind of sound. Luckily I haven't had it once since I left the hospital.