Not to sound harsh, but I'm not really worrying about them. They bicker yeah, but I know they're okay really. So I don't think that's affected my mood.

Think I over-did it last week and had a suggestion of cold symptoms. Being tired always has a bad affect on my mood. Then I saw the reality of how little help I have received and am currently 'receiving' from the MH team. There's always talk of lots of support but nothing actually comes into place.

There was the huge build up to hospital, then I got through that with the support of my family and the hospital staff and you guys and my own strength and positivity, and now I'm discharged nobody is even monitoring my weight or anything. It's like three weeks of tube feeding and I'm fixed haha!

But I've accepted it's the way it is with the system. Recovery comes from within. I don't need the MH team, but can't help feel like I've slipped through the net a bit. So feeling a bit unwanted because of that paired with the tiredness has caused my mood to dip.

I've also convinced myself I won't get a job interview. Guess I just need a pick me up.