Thanks everyone for your kindness and support. It means a lot.

My therapist is remarkably supportive and my family are supporting me, too. I will have this honest and open conversation with the ED team Monday and will hopefully gain more clarity from there.

If I did have to go into hospital, it would be a psychiatric ward with eating disorder patients but not specified to eating disorders only. Does anyone have any experience of this? The fact that I don't know exactly what the whole hospital experience looks like is making me more anxious.... I need reassurance from the ED team, more than just the flitting remark of hospital being a possibility.

Also I think I'm more anxious because I FEEL unwell. I've had anorexia chronically and severely (more severe than now) but have never felt as if my body is giving up as I do now.... I don't know if this is my anxiety or because I've actually been unwell with a cold these last two days... But it's like my energy is depleted. This scares me. I'm scared I will go to bed and won't wake up the next day, but im sure this is anxiety taking over and me being over-dramatic.

Today was my little nieces birthday party. I slept all morning at home, went to the party at 1pm but slept whilst there for four hours, and now I'm already ready to go to sleep again ?!