Quote Originally Posted by Jaquaia View Post
I don't really know what to say about it. I'm used to just having to get on with it, I have had to do that since the pain first started.
I completely understand this. I've always had pain and was quite often told I was making it up when I was growing up - strange now that my Mum has decided that she's in so much pain constantly that she needs to tell me how badly she hurts and that I am the only who can understand that............. but her's is much, much worse than mine obviously....... *gently squishes Jaq*
Quote Originally Posted by Jaquaia View Post
I'm not sleeping well. I often wake up several times during the night but it's been worse over the past few nights. I'm even turning on a blue light filter on my phone so it doesn't fool my body into thinking it's daylight and that's not really helped, although that's early days using that.
Again I sympathise. My sleep is horrendous atm. What's your sleep hygiene like? Can you try to make a bedtime, shower/bath then bed with a warm milk or something?