Hi there!

Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you get lots of aches and pains, too. It's a real positive that you're able to know when the exhaustion is coming from the depression.

Thanks for your advice. I put it to use today and saw it WAS my depression and stress affecting my mood, exhaustion and motivation. Also I find if my body is hungry, I don't have any motivation to do anything until I've eaten. Sometimes I forget food is actually fuel! Like just today, I ate a tiny finger of watermelon and a cup of tea for 'dinner' last night and breakfast today was a small portion of melon again so by 12 o'clock I was really needing something, even if I wasn't experiencing the sensation of hunger as such. But after I ate something and putting your advice into action, I felt more energised, got showered and now I'm out on a lovely scenic walk in the sunshine.

Unlucky depression! I win!

I don't eat much, no. I have a history of chronic and severe anorexia and it's not like that now even though the symptoms look the same in some ways! The CMHT are making sure I don't keep losing weight. My appetite is poor due to depression.

I hope all is as well as it can be with you! Thanks again for getting in touch!