I'm not sure how long I'll stay on Mirtazapine as I just don't think they're helping with the low mood. When I first went on them it was in the middle of an almighty panic attack that lasted over a week of no sleep and pounding heart rate 24/7 which they solved, but due to the relief they gave me, I was never able to fully assess how they made me feel compared to 'normal'. This time round, I've gone back on them (after my venlafaxine disaster) and I can assess them from a clearer, more stable frame of reference.

I feel sedated and robust against stress, however I feel grumpy, down, ready to give up, can't be bothered, everything is too much hassle and I just don't have the will or energy to put into being nice to my family. I feel like I'm existing without actually living.

Not sure if that makes sense.