I'm good actually. I seem to have been very stable for a few weeks, fingers crossed it stays that way. My mouth has been a bit better since I started taking a multivitamin pill everyday as well as drinking a smoothy a day. I know they are full of sugar and maybe not a great thing for me but with two together I have noticed my mouth has been a lot less sore.
Last weekend I was busy with my first throwing weekend. I had one cancellation that I could not fill but even so made almost as much in one weekend as I was typically making in two weeks last year. I have just had my first booking for a throwing weekend in June through ebay. I was considering stopping the advertising on there but I will step it up now. The weekend went really well. The people loved it, H cooked a special soup and home made bread for lunch and we had a selection of cheeses. The weather was fab so we were able to sit out in the garden and eat. Very civilised. Only problem was that we had not considered that we would struggle for matching bowls and plates!! Typical that a pottery does not have any plates !!!
This week is our catch up week where we try and get together with all the firing and glazing from the kids classes over the holidays. There is a lot of stuff. Too much to fit on our drying racks and there is pottery drying EVERYWHERE out there at the moment. Today however we had a day off and went to Slimbridge Wetlands reserve. We were hoping to see lots of baby birds and although there were some there were not a lot, so I guess we will just have to go back there again in a few weeks.....
I took two work calls whilst we were there and Hannah told me off and pointed out that I was allowed a day off!!
My spare time has been taken up with kitten preparations. I have been building a kitten fort from cardboard boxes so that when they come home they have hiding places away from Ember and our other cat until they feel happy to interact with our world. They have a little corral in the corner of my sitting room. The last time we brought kittens home (about 16 years ago) they promptly dived under the boiler so I am preparing a safer place so this does not happen to these two. Our cat managed to squeeze herself into the box I had prepared as their bed. I though the hole would be two small for her, but where there's a will there's a way!!