It's been a few days since I shared some of my photos with you, so I hope you like these:

[IMG]Giant Pig Spotted Admiring Modern Architecture in Glasgow by Brian McDiarmid Travelling, on Flickr[/IMG]
This scene made me smile inside myself and I knew the title of the image even before I had shot it.

[IMG]South Frederick Street Glasgow Arty by Brian McDiarmid Travelling, on Flickr[/IMG]
My favourite street in Glasgow for photographing the architecture and the building line with a bit of an arty twist.

[IMG]Moving Home in Malaga by Brian McDiarmid Travelling, on Flickr[/IMG]
I showed this photo to one of my friends, he said to me that I could take a photo of the most boring subject and it would look interesting. For someone like him who is not into photography or any kind of art, I took that as a huge compliment.

[IMG]The Slip by Brian McDiarmid Travelling, on Flickr[/IMG]
This one is one of my favourite shots from last year, taken on a long exposure of 15 seconds to smooth out the water and then converted to black and white.

[IMG]Parliament Square by Brian McDiarmid Travelling, on Flickr[/IMG]
This is another one with an arty twist to it, Parliament Square in Edinburgh which is just off the Royal Mile. And to finish off with, a wee video of my photos with some nice music to accompany it.

http://<a href=">, on Flickr