I understand that Jaquaia and i am deeply sorry for upsetting you. My spell checker gives me a list of words, and i accidently clicked on th wrong one.
Quote Originally Posted by Jaquaia View Post
I think you've chosen the wrong word there PF. I don't proudly speak about my experiences at all. They are some of the most traumatic experiences I've had. I'm not proud of them, no one is proud of them. Most victims of these crimes feel deep shame. I know I do. And you know what? I am a victim. Speaking from my own experience, I had crimes commited against me. I am a victim of these crimes, just like someone who had their lights punched out would be a victim of assault. I rarely talk about it, even in the private sections I don't often talk about the abuse I've been put through.

What I should be proud of is living through my experiences and coming out the other side. Speaking about my experiences is incredibly hard and always will be, but I'm proud of being a survivor.