Quote Originally Posted by purplefan View Post
I have experience isolation, but not long term and so many people are slipping through the cracks of the mental health system. I have no idea why that is but it must be addressed.
It's not just those with mental health issues. But where the services have been cut, cut and cut again there isn't the staff or the money that is there any more.
I cant understand how you can have a job yet fail to make ends meet. Did the tory government not say last year that it is always better to work than be on benefits? I disagree and although i support people who work hard and earn a living to work hard and not must be soul destroying. There is something wrong if people who are working cant afford to pay their rent or even go out for the evening with their friends.
With the rise of rent costs, the rise of food and utilities it's not that hard to be working full time and not make ends meet. I have had members here who have had 2 working parents and 3 children living in a 2 bedroomed house because they can't sell their home to buy a bigger one. With all the money they have coming in the bills and mortgage swallow most of the money meaning she ends up at the food bank most months because even though most of her shopping is done when the food is reduced she still can't make ends meet.
Another of my friends works in a school and nearly all of her wages goes on after school childcare for one of her children!
Society is wrong when people are paid far more to kick a ball than they are to educate children, tend to the sick and the elderly and police our streets and put out the flames....