Hi Suzi,

Thanks for the reply. My doctor said that different SSRIs have had more success than others for particular types of anxiety though. Do you think this isn't the case? The SSRIs I've tried in the past have definitely affected me in different ways mentally, but I suppose this could be psychosomatic. I realise I may respond differently to others on the same medication, but if its worked for a large number of people in a certain way then I'd probably have more of a chance of it affecting me the same. I may well be wrong though...

Seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist isn't an option as I can't afford it. I could get referred to a NHS mental health practitioner/counsellor for CBT again, but my doctor agreed that it wouldn't necessarily be that helpful as I've had no success with the 3 different ones I've seen before. I found all 3 courses of sessions unpleasant and unhelpful, particularly one.